We can be anxious about so many things in our lives. We get nervous for new things, for situations that are uncertain, for change. But our nervous intuition can also help tell us when something isn’t quite right. Here’s how to identify and understand what these emotions are telling you.
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Help, I Need Somebody
It’s ok to ask for help. I’ll say it again, it’s ok to ask for help for ANYTHING. Whether it’s advice for your next career step, therapy to help you get out of a loop you’re stuck in or help with doing the laundry, it’s ok to not be 1000% at all times and to sometimes need help.
Read MoreBe Willing To Throw The Plan Out The Window
Have you ever heard the saying “throw the baby out with the bathwater?” In your career, this may actually need to be true. While sometimes only one thing needs to be adjusted, sometimes we need to throw out the “baby” which is the plan we’ve held onto so tightly for so long.
Read MoreCheck Your Rearview Mirror
Especially when you are a driven person, you can get caught up in believing that your success doesn’t match your expectation. To break your mind out of this cycle, try checking your rearview mirror.
Read MoreYour Emotions, Your Superpower
Your emotions and emotional intelligence are one of your superpowers at work. Instead of pushing them down, here are 4 ways to use your emotions at work.
Read MoreSuccess Takes Time
Sometimes the drive to succeed is so strong that patience is pushed aside and we forget to appreciate how far we’ve come.
Read MoreManaging Expectations At Work
It’s not the best feeling when you learn that your boss doesn’t think you’re ready for a promotion. Or when you feel you deserved it as much as someone else who got that promotion. But managing expectations could help you get there.
Read MoreChoosing Your Highlight Reel
Instead of comparing your real life to the reel life others have online, find what is important to you. Then, you’re only comparing your own reel to what you truly value in your life.
Read MoreRefine Your Shine
“You’re a diamond in the rough. Polish that diamond up and you’ll go really far.” How do we ‘polish it up’? For diamonds, they are valued based on the 4 c’s- cut, color, clarity and carat size. If we’re a diamond in the rough, it’s worth using that same scale to learn how to polish it up and shine.
Read MoreFinding Your Next Right Thing
t can be very overwhelming to choose your career. You feel like you have to have everything figured out. But you don’t have to have it all figured out. And better still, you don’t have to choose one linear direction that you will have to follow for your whole career. Instead, focus on finding your next right thing.
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