Whether you’re in school or in the workplace as an adult, there is always going to be someone who is mean. Learning to coexist and work with this person can be the secret sauce you need to succeed. Here’s how to do it.
Read MoreTag: career advice
Help, I Need Somebody
It’s ok to ask for help. I’ll say it again, it’s ok to ask for help for ANYTHING. Whether it’s advice for your next career step, therapy to help you get out of a loop you’re stuck in or help with doing the laundry, it’s ok to not be 1000% at all times and to sometimes need help.
Read MoreTame That Inner Voice
It’s almost second nature to be harder on yourself than you would ever dream of being to other people. So, why do we do it? Why is that negative inner voice always talking and being so incredibly rude? If we fill our minds with good, encouraging and loving comments, there won’t be room for the negativity.
Read MoreBe Willing To Throw The Plan Out The Window
Have you ever heard the saying “throw the baby out with the bathwater?” In your career, this may actually need to be true. While sometimes only one thing needs to be adjusted, sometimes we need to throw out the “baby” which is the plan we’ve held onto so tightly for so long.
Read MoreYour Emotions, Your Superpower
Your emotions and emotional intelligence are one of your superpowers at work. Instead of pushing them down, here are 4 ways to use your emotions at work.
Read MoreSuccess Takes Time
Sometimes the drive to succeed is so strong that patience is pushed aside and we forget to appreciate how far we’ve come.
Read MoreFinding Your Next Right Thing
t can be very overwhelming to choose your career. You feel like you have to have everything figured out. But you don’t have to have it all figured out. And better still, you don’t have to choose one linear direction that you will have to follow for your whole career. Instead, focus on finding your next right thing.
Read MoreInspirational Book List
Looking for an inspirational read? Check out some of our favorite books for believing in yourself, empowering others and refining your shine!
Read MoreWhen to Take Risks and How to Identify Them
What risks make sense for you at work? How do you identify them? And how do you know if you’re ready to take it? Check out our tips here.
Read MoreUncertain Times Call for Certain Measures
When you’re dealing with uncertainty, it’s easy to become paralyzed and find yourself waiting and worrying about what to do and what’s next. Here’s how to keep yourself focused and moving forward even when the future is unclear.
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