Help, I Need Somebody

It’s ok to ask for help. I’ll say it again, it’s ok to ask for help for ANYTHING. Whether it’s advice for your next career step, therapy to help you get out of a loop you’re stuck in or help with doing the laundry, it’s ok to not be 1000% at all times and to sometimes need help.

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Tame That Inner Voice

It’s almost second nature to be harder on yourself than you would ever dream of being to other people. So, why do we do it? Why is that negative inner voice always talking and being so incredibly rude? If we fill our minds with good, encouraging and loving comments, there won’t be room for the negativity.

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Finding Your Next Right Thing

t can be very overwhelming to choose your career. You feel like you have to have everything figured out. But you don’t have to have it all figured out. And better still, you don’t have to choose one linear direction that you will have to follow for your whole career. Instead, focus on finding your next right thing.

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