On a 2019 trip to New York City, I met the Fearless Girl for the first time. I had been to the financial district before, but it had been prior to the statue’s installation for International Women’s Day in 2017. I was intrigued, and after Googling it, was surprised to find that the statue was originally only meant to stand for only one week. Then its presence was extended to a month, then a year, then forever.
As Letitia James wrote in her letter to support extending the fixture, the statue’s powerful message “that no dream is too big and no ceiling is too high” touches hearts and inspires people not only on International Women’s Day but every day. Fearless Girl’s story isn’t all that different from that of many women. Even after the statue was placed, it took a village of people writing letters, campaigning, petitioning to keep her standing. Fearless Girl isn’t only a testament to the women who have broken glass ceilings, she’s a testament to those who still advocate daily for progress, who speak for equality and give hope to women everywhere, no matter their age, status or location.

Three years later, she not only still stands, she has sisters around the world. Norway unveiled a duplicate in March 2018. In 2019, a duplicate was unveiled in Melbourne, Australia in Federation Square. Another was revealed in London in 2019. The Fearless Girl inspired the world to believe in gender equality.
For 2020, equality is the focus for International Women’s Day. But equality starts with understanding. We must be willing and open to understanding one another and creating a tribe of women supporting women. I recently read Melinda Gate’s book, Moment of Lift, where she writes “When women gather with one another, include one another, tell our stories to one another, share our grief with one another, we find our voice with one another. We create a new culture-not one that was imposed on us, but one we build with our own voices and values.”
This International Women’s Day, let’s focus on finding our voices together. Let’s begin by being open to one another, sharing both the imperfections and successes so that our sisters can stand and shine around the world, just like the Fearless Girl.

The statue is a true testament to the fearless girl in all of us! We just have to remember and or remind one another that she is still there within us!