Practice Gratitude

For me, I’m extremely grateful for the people in my life who have supported me, cheered me on and offered advice and perspective when I’ve needed it. I’m grateful for sunny days that make my mood amazing, good workouts, lots of Netflix content…the list can go on and on! Try journaling 5 things that you are grateful for. Not only will it focus your mind on the good things, but it will help you see the world through a lens of appreciation.

Tell us your top things in the comments!


  1. […] Find the Silver Lining: When you look back at this time, what will you be thankful for? If you’re home, you’re getting more time with your family, the ability to spring clean like a boss or time to do those hobbies you’re usually too busy to enjoy. If you’re uncertain about a next step at work, you may end up on a different path that gives you opportunities that you wouldn’t have otherwise. While it’s stressful, it can be a blessing in disguise when things aren’t quite settled. Find your blessing and write it down with this worksheet! […]

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