Invincible Sparkle was created to inspire and remind women of that fierce and unstoppable person they already are. It may take some time and encouragement to bring that invincible girl back out, but we’re all doing the work together. Thank you for being on this journey with me and paying it forward!
I’m Jess. I’m a professional, wife, manager, coworker, friend, overachiever, procrastinator, shopper and so much more. Full-time, I work as a director, managing teams in product development, sales and sourcing. I love working with people, seeing them succeed and grow to reach their goals.
One of my mentors once told me that if I love what I do, to become a “sourcing evangelist.” At the time, I was a sourcing specialist and loved working with factories to bring product to the stores. I started speaking at my alma mater and at any event that would have me.
In 2019, I was asked to speak at a women in business conference and I spoke about keeping that belief that you can do anything after being in the work world for a while. I had avoided opportunities because I’d been told to sit down or that I wasn’t good enough or ready enough. I was worried about taking risks because I might be judged for failure. I had given external voices power to decide my path when they weren’t speaking truth.
After the talk, I was overwhelmed by how many voices told me they had felt this same way. Invincible Sparkle was started as a blog, resource and community to fill the space with encouragement, truth about difficulties and inspiration to get through anything so that everyone can shine in their unique way.